Review of Digital Swimming Goggles: Up to the Mark?

The dawn of high-tech sports equipment has been a game changer, especially for swimming professionals and enthusiasts. We’ve been keeping a close eye on the Holoswim AR Smart Swim Goggles, a cutting-edge gadget designed to revolutionise your time in the water. Packed with innovative features, these goggles could be the next essential tool for swimmers aiming to track and improve their performance with precision.

Real-time data delivery directly into your line of sight is the standout function, eliminating the inconvenience of halting mid-swim to glance at other devices. While the device’s compatibility with open water mode and the companion Holosport app for data scrutiny appeals to the tech-savvy swimmer, its ergonomic design promises a comfortable and fog-free experience.

Despite the high-tech features, there have been mixed reviews on the ease of use and the effectiveness in open waters. While it’s hard to debate the functionality when swimming in pools, there’s room for improvement when tackling the complexities of the sea. The AI-powered coaching and the post-swim analysis seem to add great value, but they can come with a learning curve.

Bottom Line

For avid swimmers in search of a data-centric swimming experience, the Holoswim AR Smart Swim Goggles might just be worth a shot.

They offer a tech-forward approach to swim tracking and a promise of a fog-free, comfortable fit. Although some features may need finessing, particularly for open water challenges, the foundation for a transformative swimming gadget is there.

Curious to try out these innovative goggles? Click here to purchase the Holoswim AR Smart Swim Goggles and take your swimming to the next level!

Version 1.0.0

Holoswim 2s AR Smart Swim Goggles Overview

We find the Holoswim 2s AR Smart Goggles to be quite the innovative addition to a swimmer’s arsenal. These goggles offer real-time metrics display, which allows swimmers to view their time, pace, distance, and laps without halting their session. Impressively, they’re compatible with specific Garmin watches, extending their functionality to open water swims where they showcase time, distance, and pace alongside heart rate data.

By syncing the goggles with the Holosport app, users can delve into their swimming data, track progress, and establish personal goals. For those looking to refine their technique, the goggles’ AI-powered coaching provides insights and tailored recommendations based on analysed metrics such as pace, stroke count, and SWOLF score.

The goggles don’t skimp on the comfort factor either; they come with top-notch anti-fog technology, a variety of nose bridge sizes, and a secure, comfortable fit suitable for extended use. They manage to garner praise for their in-pool performance and motivational aspects when linked with the app, although some feedback indicates challenges with the open water functionality and occasional interface responsiveness.

While some users may have faced issues, leading to mixed reviews, the consensus seems to be that for swimmers invested in tracking performance and seeking augmented reality features, these goggles are a noteworthy consideration. It is pertinent, however, to ensure software updates and product support continue to enhance their experience.

Key Benefits

In evaluating the 2s AR Smart Swim Goggles by Holoswim, we’ve come across several key benefits that potential customers might find relevant—whether they’re casual swimmers or training athletes. The goggles bring a mix of technology and comfort to the water, and here’s how they stack up in various aspects.

Real-Time Metrics

The inclusion of real-time metrics is a game-changer, offering swimmers the luxury of staying informed without pausing their motion. Swimmers can seamlessly view their swimming time, pace, laps, and other important stats directly through the goggles’ display. This constant feedback can help swimmers make immediate adjustments to their technique and maintain a steady pace throughout their swim.

Open Water Compatibility

Swimmers preferring the expanse of open waters will be pleased to know these goggles are built to adapt. They offer the ability to monitor metrics such as time, distance, pace, and even heart rate when paired with a compatible Garmin watch. This ensures that those venturing out into lakes or the sea can keep as tight a track on their performance as those in the pool.

Data Analysis with Holosport APP

Holosport’s companion app becomes a significant part of the experience. Data collected by the goggles can be synced to the app for a detailed breakdown, enabling users to monitor progress over time. Swimmers can review their performance, set goals, and perhaps most importantly, see patterns in their swimming that can inform better techniques and training regimens.

AI-Powered Coaching

One of the standout features is AI-powered coaching, which scrutinises aspects such as stroke count and SWOLF scores to provide actionable advice. The technology enables the goggles to not just collect data but to offer insights that could lead to measurable improvements in swimming efficiency and technique.

Friendly Wearing Experience

Lastly, Holoswim appears to have invested significantly in the wearing experience of their goggles. With anti-fog technology, IPX8-rated waterproofing, multiple nose bridge options, and scratch-resistant lenses—all hallmarks of a comfortable and durable design—swimmers can focus purely on their workout or leisure time without distractions from their gear.

Our review indicates that the 2s AR Smart Swim Goggles deliver a substantial blend of innovation and comfort. They are not without limitations, such as compatibility with a restricted number of devices for open water mode, but they do represent a step forward for swimmers looking to stay informed and improve their performance with the help of technology.


In our experience, the 2s AR Smart Swim Goggles by Holoswim have several advantages making them worthwhile for swimmers looking to enhance their training. The real-time metrics feature allows swimmers to access crucial data such as pace and distance without disruption, which is significantly convenient when trying to maintain focus and rhythm.

Compatibility with open water swimming is a boon for those who train outside the confines of a pool, enabling them to monitor important stats like heart rate from a compatible Garmin watch. The Holosport app, moreover, offers a beneficial data analysis tool to track swimming progress, set personal goals, and analyse performance for a targeted approach to improvement.

The AI-powered coaching function provides personalised recommendations by analysing key metrics, which can be instrumental in refining swimming techniques. Users have positively noted the comfortable and secure fit of the goggles owed to their adjustable nose bridges and waterproof IPX8 rating, leading to a better and more enjoyable swimming experience.

While some reviews suggest areas for improvement, the general sentiment is one of satisfaction with the product’s efficacy in delivering on its promises, particularly in areas of functionality and comfort.


While Holoswim’s 2s AR Smart Swim Goggles promise innovative technology for swimmers, it’s important to consider the limitations. We’ve observed that the goggles have compatibility issues, as they’re only operable with a select range of Garmin watches for GPS tracking in open water—a downside for swimmers who use different brands. Comfort is another aspect that’s on the receiving end of mixed impressions; they do not seem to surpass the comfort levels provided by some competitors.

Battery life, although adequate, requires attention as users might need to seek replacements from distant places like Hong Kong. Open water swimmers have mentioned that the goggles struggle with registering distance and pace accurately, which is a crucial metric for any swimmer looking to improve their performance. Moreover, issues with the goggles’ sensitivity have been highlighted; the need for exaggerated movements to register direction changes can be a hindrance.

Finally, the associated software appears to have stability issues, which undoubtedly detracts from the overall user experience. For a gadget that aims to provide real-time metrics and analytics, these shortcomings are noteworthy. It’s crucial to weigh these factors against the benefits to make a well-informed decision.

Customer Reviews Assessment

Our examination of user feedback on the Holoswim AR Smart Swim Goggles reveals a mosaic of experiences. Customers who favour these goggles commend the augmented reality (AR) feature, noting its innovative updates and compatibility with select Garmin watches for open water swimming. The convenience of real-time data to refine swimming techniques and the motivational aspect of the tracking app appear to be significant positives. The ability to share analytics with others is another appreciated feature.

Conversely, some customers have expressed dissatisfaction, citing issues with the associated program’s functionality. There have been noted failures in registering distance and rhythm in open water, and there were complaints about the lack of comfort compared to other brands. A few reviewers had difficulties with the touch sensitivity, experiencing frustration with the goggles not registering turns without excessive head movement.

In the context of longevity and customer care, losing a charger became an inconvenience due to overseas replacement. However, the fit and water tightness received favourable mentions, along with the goggles’ performance in pool environments.

Weighing the overall rating of 3.9 stars from 56 ratings, it seems that while the goggles have room for improvement, they offer a unique and beneficial experience for swimmers, especially those keen to embrace new technology in their training.

Usage Tips for Maximum Benefit

In utilising the 2s AR Smart Swim Goggles, we find several practices to maximise their potential. For starters, integrating them with a compatible Garmin watch ensures that open water swims are tracked accurately; this feature is particularly useful for swimmers who alternate between the pool and the sea. The real-time metrics displayed in the goggles allow for continuous performance monitoring without disruption, which is instrumental in making on-the-spot adjustments to your swimming technique.

Consistently syncing the goggles with the Holosport app not only backs up your data but also provides insightful analysis. This helps in recognising patterns, setting realistic goals, and tracking improvements over time. Utilising the AI-Powered Coaching feature, which gives personalized recommendations, can significantly benefit those seeking to enhance their swimming skills.

It’s important to handle the equipment properly; ensure to select the nose bridge that fits best to prevent leaking and maintain comfort. Also, leveraging the industry-leading anti-fog technology means maintaining the goggles according to the manufacturer’s instructions is crucial to preserving clarity of vision underwater.

Despite their many benefits, users have experienced some challenges with open water tracking and data sensitivity. Mid-swim adjustments may be necessary to ensure the goggles are accurately capturing your swim. We suggest reviewing the latest user experiences to stay updated on any improvements or still-present issues. Remember, these goggles are a piece of technology, and like any other, they require a bit of patience and practice to fully reap their benefits.


In our assessment, the Holoswim AR goggles represent an innovative step in swim tracking technology. It’s evident that users appreciate the real-time data and analytics provided, which can significantly enhance a swimmer’s technique and overall training experience. However, the goggles do have some limitations, particularly concerning their function in open water settings, where users have reported issues with distance and rhythm tracking.

Comfort-wise, they’re generally well-received once adjusted, although not universally considered as cosy as some competitors. Additionally, the connectivity with specific devices seems to be a work in progress, with updates anticipated to broaden the range of compatible equipment. The need for a proprietary charger, which can be inconvenient, has also been a point of contention for some users.

Whilst they encourage motivation and provide instant feedback, which is highly valued by swimmers, the Holoswim goggles are not without faults. Some users have experienced software problems that have significantly impacted their satisfaction. Nevertheless, when working correctly, the benefits for swim workouts and monitoring performance are clear. As with any emerging technology, potential improvements and updates may address current shortcomings, making these smart goggles a product to watch.

Frequently Asked Questions

As many shoppers seek to enhance their swimming experience, they often have questions about how high-tech swim goggles can benefit them and what to look for when purchasing one. We’ve compiled some important points to consider when looking at smart goggles like the Holoswim AR Smart Swim Goggles.

What are the benefits of using smart swimming goggles compared to traditional ones?

Investing in smart swimming goggles brings about a notable shift from the conventional swimming experience. They offer a head-up display that provides real-time metrics without interrupting a swim session – something traditional goggles can’t offer. This technology allows swimmers to stay focused on their form and endurance rather than stopping to check a separate device for performance data.

  • Real-Time Data Tracking: Swimmers can see their stats such as pace, distance, and laps directly in their line of sight.
  • Enhanced Focus: No need to pause for checks; keep swimming with all data visibly at hand.

How do FORM Smart Swim Goggles enhance a swimmer’s training experience?

While we’re focusing on Holoswim goggles, FORM Smart Swim Goggles similarly enhance training by displaying real-time metrics. They may have different offerings, like connectivity with different apps or devices, but the primary goal remains to provide a seamless, data-enhanced training experience. Tailored features like analysis and goal setting help swimmers to train smarter, not harder.

  • Personalised Training: With AI-coaching and detailed metric analysis, goggles like the Holoswim AR can provide personal advice for improving your swim.
  • Motivation: Watching your progress through the goggles can push you to maintain or exceed your goals.

Can digital swimming goggles assist in improving swimming techniques?

Absolutely, digital swimming goggles are designed to provide real-time insights that help to refine swimming techniques. The AR display shows metrics like stroke count, which can help in fine-tuning stroke efficiency. The immediate feedback allows swimmers to make changes on the spot, therefore efficiently improving their technique.

  • SWOLF Scores: Analyzing strokes and suggesting improvements to make each movement more efficient.
  • Instant Technique Tweaking: Real-time data facilitates on-the-go adjustments to swimming technique.

What features should one look for in the best smart swim goggles?

When seeking the best smart swimming goggles, one should look for:

  • Comfort and Fit: Includes adjustable nose bridges and secure straps for all head sizes.
  • Compatibility with Open Water Swimming: Like the Holoswim, which pairs with specific Garmin watches for open water tracking.
  • App Integration: Useful for syncing and analyzing data post-swim to track long-term progress.

Are there any digital swimming goggles available that do not require a subscription to use?

Some smart goggles do require a subscription for full feature access, but it’s possible to find models that don’t. The Holoswim goggles, for example, provide fundamental metric tracking without extra costs. It’s essential to read product details carefully to understand the cost beyond the initial purchase.

  • Check Product Specifications: To confirm if additional subscriptions are needed for full functionality.

How do FINIS Smart Goggles differ from traditional swim goggles?

FINIS Smart Goggles bring innovation to swimming by incorporating a small display within the swimmer’s line of sight, allowing for uninterrupted monitoring of performance. Compared to traditional goggles, which offer no data or feedback, the FINIS version would typically provide a competitive edge with smart features.

  • Performance Data Exhibit: They reflect performance stats in real-time, unlike non-tech traditional goggles.
  • Swim Analysis: Offering analytical data to improve performance, much like the Holoswim goggles do.

When considering smart swim goggles, it’s important to weigh the advantages of immediate data access and technique improvement against cost and personal swimming goals. Comfort, compatibility, and a balance between features and ongoing expenses are decisive factors. Remember to look carefully at the specifics of each product to align with your swimming needs.